Video > The Stars Have Eyes

The Stars Have Eyes (2024/25 release date)
Featuring Heady Desire

In this work, suspense, thriller, and horror film stills, recorded performances, and animations are remixed and re-contextualized. The artist inserts herself into various “scenes,” becoming both voyeur and participant simultaneously. These disruptions draw attention to the sexual, psychological, and phenomenological feminine subtext often embedded in film and media.

The imagery is frequently humorous, abject, and disturbing, recalling the oppressive history of women's roles in film and media. Scholars and critics have extensively analyzed the works of Alfred Hitchcock for their complex psychological narratives of male projection and female objectification; his films figure prominently in this work.
The artist's persona, "Heady Desire," infiltrates these acts of voyeurism by becoming the watcher, the director, and the creative subverter. Heady Desire dismantles the original meaning of the film by transforming the role of the passive female object into that of an active participant and spectator. She embodies and embraces the feminine with her soft, folded fleshiness and dripping excess. This excess, once deemed unseemly, "too much," and problematic for women, is now presented as empowered desire and agency, capable of reframing feminine experience and reshaping cinematic histories.