Gallery > Installation

Creation Myth
Creation Myth

Creation Myth is an expanded media project that explores a futuristic world born from the impacts of climate change and destructive technologies. The work depicts a creation myth of how its world came to be, exploring evolution and the impact of the age of the Anthropocene upon life’s delicate balance. The recurring image of a mushroom cloud recalls an event from the deep past which set earth changes in motion. In this new world, natural selection determined what life would be supported and sustained. The biological, technological, and spiritual merge. Life forms take on robotic qualities and landscapes are haunting and unforgiving. The absence of green and plant life speaks to the horror of imagining the reality of a futuristic barren world. The death of flesh and the human body suggests a time when transcending the human species became necessary for life to re- emerge. The work is comprised of large 2D/3D digital print collage assemblages, objects, and moving image and sound work. The future vision for this work is an immersive installation environment in which the viewer enters and experiences a comprehensive world.